NanoBlock Eiffel Tower
Contributed by Kalani Craig

About this object
This model of the Eiffel tower, manufactured by Nanoblock and titled “Rives de la Seine a Paris” in their “Sights To See” collection, is built out of little plastic interchangeable pieces about ⅛ the size of a standard LEGO.
Why this object matters
The model sits at my desk as a reminder of several things. My main area of research is the medieval Mediterranean and Paris was the site of my first overseas archival research trip. I recently took a combination work/family trip to Paris and the Eiffel Tower was at the top of my 6-year-old son’s list of things to see. He was ecstatic even during the terribly boring 2-hour wait in line to go up to the top of the tower. Finally, the actual Nanoblock kit was a holiday gift from said 6-year-old, and building it as a family was the highlight of a very cold snow day experience. Having it on my desk at work keeps me anchored in all of those different aspects of my IU life, both personal and professional.